Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hold Your Head High, Never Down!!!

"Confidence is a state of mind. Lack of it is a state of being." -Anonymous

There are several factors-whether externally or internally- that may hinder one's self-confidence, such factors may include people and their opinions and ideologies, failure, fear, opportunities (or lack of), drugs (take the right one and you too may believe you can fly) and much more. As well as there are factors that pose threats to a person's confidence, there also exist factors that may elevate one's confidence. For starters, self-evaluation is a good measuring tool. Try to figure out what makes you happy and/or what draws others to you (personality, looks, swagger, etc…). Doing this shall allow you to highlight characteristics that should either make you feel bitter or make you feel proud-hopefully the latter. Once that is done take a look at those who you consider your "real" friends. Now ask yourself "Are these people sincere and honest?" "Do they point out my weaknesses as well as my strengths?" and "Do they help me become a better person or not?". Hopefully your responses will be positive thus reassuring yourself and therefore establishing some confidence.

Do whatever it takes to find confidence in yourself. Once you acquire such a thing in life it will definitely show but be careful and keep it to a minimum because no one really enjoys the company of a narcissistic person. With the right level of confidence, the more attractive you become to everyone. If you are a guy other guys want to secretly be you or want to try to hang around you hoping that what you have rubs onto them. Many women will notice your new found swagger and may even pay you a little more attention. If you are a woman who has more than a flair of confidence, you may come across as a Bitch to some because they simply can not grasp the idea of such a being exists. In fact they too want to be you or with you!

So when something does not go your way or if someone is trying to bring you down or if you awake one day not feeling positive, just shake it off and do not allow such forces to affect your psyche.

“With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp."-Anonymous


  1. So are you Dr. Phil now? You always do give good advice. I like this entry because I have my days where I doubt myself.

  2. Nice! You are writing again I see. Well if you are keep the entries coming as you are pretty decent with the pen!

  3. Confidence! I hear that brother. Nice writing.

    C. DeVone

  4. Great Advice. I think this is the most I've ever heard you talk! :-) Keep writing, you're a natural!

  5. haha i enjoy the word "swagger" it sounds so swanky and confident. almost out of the jazz era.
