Thursday, November 13, 2008

Green light....Red Light!

What is it about humans and our need to start something yet not finish it? Is it the need to feel as if you are doing something to stay busy or feel important? Do random things in life impede the completion of the task or tasks? Is there a loss of motivation, drive or ambition that discourage us from following through to the end? Or, is it a trend at the moment that we need to be apart of just to feel relevant in our circles? We may never know!

Over the past three and half months I myself have started and stopped and started and stopped and started and stopped a few projects. I wanted to, and still do might I add, start a business centered around one of my passions-Djing. I have gone from being submerged with everything from creating logos to researching the proper way to complete a business plan to just being simply disinterested. Another project I am on again and off again with is assisting a very good friend with a website that could potentially be successful if executed properly. One minute I am on fire with ideas and the next I am on the couch just randomly searching the web and looking at porn time to time. It is really sad because this has been a recurring problem for me since college thus I am known as the man who is only inspired for 15 minutes. Ironically as I type this, I am thinking to myself how long will I keep this blog up before either I become disinterested or too lazy to write?

The fact that I am aware of this and am constantly reminded of it by loved ones somehow still does not motivate me enough to change! Well it does but nothing monumental just yet-it's coming, I promise. Am I a loser? A no good son of a bitch (don't talk bad about my mama)? I personally think I am neither, but you probably think otherwise!

All in all new days come and old ones pass. I intend to better myself before it is too late and I suggest you do the same-before we all are sitting somewhere reflecting on the fact that we did not accomplish anything meaningful in life and that we never gave anything our all. Finish what you start and make it a habit of doing so.

“I'm going to stop putting things off, starting tomorrow!” -Sam Levenson(American Author and Humorist)


  1. Amazing writing. I love this.


  2. So damn yo...I feel the EXACT same way...first i was gonna be a reporter, then I was writing a book, then I was gonna start putting together fashion shows...and now...i pace 125th street buying porn from the Africans...a man after my own heart...keep it coming.

    Nina B.

  3. ty. im with u on this. i currently have many "projects" in the works. the problem is. you know EXACTLY how to work ur way through it. and its simply just to do it. i really dont know what stops one from completion...we mustnt give up to the idea of futility.
