Friday, November 14, 2008

That Was Not Expected

No two days are exactly ever the same. Even if you follow the same daily routine-awake,shower, travel to work, etc-something is going to happen in the present day that did not occur in the previous day. Deviation is a part of life, how we handle it is at our own discretion.

One minute you are on top of the world feeling as if things can not get any better then suddenly the unthinkable occurs-LIFE. You lose your job, your companion cheats on you, you get into an accident, or a loved one suddenly dies-all factors that can definitely off set your Feng Shui. Are you going to get depressed and derailed in life? Of course, but what is important is that you have to find a way to get back up! You have to find a way to remember what initially had you high on life. Yes it will be tough to overcome such loss but understanding that life goes on and that tests are made to challenge your will and surpass, you will bypass the dark days.

Now I am no more of a motivational speaker than the next person, in fact I am a far cry from such a person, but some conversations I engage in with people instantly makes me a listener who wants to reach out and offer kind words. Currently there are some people in my life that are going through situations which would even make me-a very laid back person-lose my cool. There are also people in my life that are riding very high on life and living everyday to the fullest. Fortunately and in some instances unfortunately, life is just as volatile as the economy. If your life is currently in a recession, brace it well or if it is currently experiencing a surplus, stow away those good feelings for a rainy day because you will need them sooner than you think.

“Unexpected travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God” -Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (American Writer)

1 comment:

  1. haha. thats so much part of the key to life. how you deal with situations presented.
